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Managing Stress In Diabetes

The management of stress is important for everyone but especially for people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Consequences of stress could cause difficulties for diabetic patients. According to the Mayo Clinic Staff, the body’s reaction to stress is designed to protect against aggressive invasions, however it also treats smaller harassers as threats. These threats trigger the hypothalamus, a small area on the undersurface of the brain. The triggers cause hormonal release of substances called adrenaline and cortisol. The release of cortisol can be uncontrolled if the body feels it is continually under attack. The prevalence of cortisol can cause an abundance of health problems. Among those problems include disrupted sleep, poor digestion, poor concentration, muscle strain, heart disease, depression, anxiety and weight gain. The rise in cortisol can influence glucose levels and fat thus affecting blood sugar control.

Managing diabetes can be a stress producer by itself along with the other problems.

All the above are reasons to have a plan to manage stress.